I told work that I had no internet connection in hk and so they won’t bother me with questions during vacation! hehe you should do the same! ^_^ forget about work lah~
I told work that I had no internet connection in hk and so they won’t bother me with questions during vacation! hehe you should do the same! ^_^ forget about work lah~
E: 這不是重要不重要的問題呢﹐是他們太習慣我會處理所有事嘛﹗
冬: 我的上司也再三提我說不用一定繼續工作的﹐只是我又有點不忍心不理他們死活嘛﹗
雖說人家沒你不是不成,不過總為他們帶來不便吧?! ^^
waaa…u so important wo…