My first computer was also 486. It ran Windows 3.11 too and I have the book for DOS 6.22.
I have used windows 3.11, 95, 98, 2000,ME,XP and right now Vista.
But i still think XP is the best.
@InitialT, Wow, you’re using Vista! I still remember the day when we use W3.1, so much fun!! :)
I still use XP, although my Dell laptop has free Vista upgrade…
大雄,哈哈… 我也有keep起這說明書呢…
沒想到大家都仲未有將之棄掉….. 我想,再過十年,此品將成為經典了…
… 想當年, 係由Win 3.1直接跳到98, 未用過95…
最後用3.1果幾年, 感覺係用緊古董電腦咁…
我都好似有一半…不過唔記得係 95 定係 98 了
我也有一本 但都不放在那嚕
邊有30年呀?? _
@詩慧, 再過多廿年就可以當係收藏品囉﹗
@Oscar, 岩岩早前搵到3.1, 正想稔下邊度裝部機黎玩下﹗:)
@Dennis, 大多數人都有一本呢﹗
@Henry, 我第一部係486﹐當時仲行緊3.1呢﹗非常懷念
@嬲記, 咁“倒流三十年”都係個概念唧~ 三十年前我都未出世啦
@Hana, 有無3.1說明書﹖
My first computer was also 486. It ran Windows 3.11 too and I have the book for DOS 6.22.
I have used windows 3.11, 95, 98, 2000,ME,XP and right now Vista.
But i still think XP is the best.
@InitialT, Wow, you’re using Vista! I still remember the day when we use W3.1, so much fun!! :)
I still use XP, although my Dell laptop has free Vista upgrade…
@bbj, 哈哈……「掂都冇掂過」, 你應該要睇說明書架!