幾乎被pretzel哽死? ………… 有
從號稱不可能摔下來的攝位車Segway上掉下來? …………有
騎單車撞車?………… 有
Photo copyright (c) AP Photo/The White House, Eric Draper
全世界最富有國家的總統,在白宮內用一部十三吋的超迷你殘舊電視,觀看太空穿梭機升空的現場直播?………… 不知所謂
幾乎被pretzel哽死? ………… 有
從號稱不可能摔下來的攝位車Segway上掉下來? …………有
騎單車撞車?………… 有
全世界最富有國家的總統,在白宮內用一部十三吋的超迷你殘舊電視,觀看太空穿梭機升空的現場直播?………… 不知所謂
Possible reasons:
1) Dollar FX is running lower and lower… but not to this extent i suppose.
2) Portable is a high-demanding feature nowadays. When disasters and attacks can be anywhere/anytime, Mr. President definitely needs something smaller to carry with him. How about a phone or PDA? Too technical/small for him maybe…
可能想要表現他有多麼清廉, 都不會浪費你們人民百姓的錢….
I like this photo….hahahahahahahaha…thanks for your sharing