時光倒流三十年(六十七) April 21, 2009慢鏡快拍Canon 450D, 懷舊, 攝影, 時光倒流三十年大雄183 人閱覽 Harmony出品的相機腳架 有閃光燈有測光器,當然也不少得要有腳架。老爸這個腳架份量十足,拿起來十分有重量,而且關節仍舊緊密,就好像新的一樣。當年出品的腳架還附有皮製袋,感覺上很豪華呢!
I thought it is a “can opener” when glancing at it, but after reading your description, and it even came with a leather case! Orz, amazing!! MC~
I thought it is a “can opener” when glancing at it, but after reading your description, and it even came with a leather case! Orz, amazing!!
@Mugen C, it does look like a can opener!!!! lol.
But yeah, leather case, very fancy!