我記得以前香港屋企都有呢套世界杯. 我記得有四隻 Argentina, England and West Germany and Brazil. 不過唔知去左邊.
你又黎啦… 你屋企係唔係有一個足球場咁大架 @_@….
@Initial T, 啊, 你居然有換晒成套!!
@貓兒, 其實唔係要好多位架咋~ 哈哈~ :)
還有西德的存在, 應該是90年(或之前)… 那年西德擊敗阿根廷摘冠.
I want to say 1986.
@keng, 應該是90或以前, 但真的想不起……
@dengelina, why?
Definitely pre-199x.. 1984 seems to distant. I remember one year McD gave away plastic cups with pictures of famous footballer on it (e.g. Maradona, Beckenbauer) for each purchase of milkshake.
@dengelina, but these are glass, not plastic, I wonder where I can find information on these cup….
我記得以前香港屋企都有呢套世界杯. 我記得有四隻 Argentina, England and West Germany and Brazil. 不過唔知去左邊.
你又黎啦… 你屋企係唔係有一個足球場咁大架 @_@….
@Initial T, 啊, 你居然有換晒成套!!
@貓兒, 其實唔係要好多位架咋~ 哈哈~ :)
還有西德的存在, 應該是90年(或之前)… 那年西德擊敗阿根廷摘冠.
I want to say 1986.
@keng, 應該是90或以前, 但真的想不起……
@dengelina, why?
Definitely pre-199x.. 1984 seems to distant. I remember one year McD gave away plastic cups with pictures of famous footballer on it (e.g. Maradona, Beckenbauer) for each purchase of milkshake.
@dengelina, but these are glass, not plastic, I wonder where I can find information on these cup….