囍帖…… December 30, 2008雄言無忌結婚, 繪畫, 攝影大雄725 人閱覽 由最初覺得自己設計實在是兵行險著,到後來為買絲帶而煩惱,然後得出來的結果滿分(對我自己來說啦……),有些事情自己動手去做,感覺是與別不同的。 事情已經完滿結束,現在貼出來也無妨囉!
自己設計可以永遠回味嘛! =)
叮噹叮呤, 可有出席? ;)
wai…..ho cute ar…may I have a copy of it???
And can we have a chance to see your wedding pic ar???
@fresh, 哈哈, 對啊, 最少自己能回味一下哦!
@keng, 哈哈, 可惜沒有呀!
@Yvonne, how am I gonna send to you? lol.
and about the wedding picture. I will see….
heehee………mail it to me ar!!! If ok, please with a wedding pic.
@Yvonne, if I have any left…. lol.
I just noticed who is 靜宜. I am also her long time blog reader.
belated Congratulation!
@Initial T, heheeheh….. thanks!!