時光倒流三十年(六十二) October 22, 2008慢鏡快拍Canon 450D, 懷舊, 攝影, 時光倒流三十年大雄144 人閱覽 英女皇頭像郵票 在這個電子資訊發達的年代,還有多少人會用郵票? 郵票,也是我們的集體回憶,為什麼沒有人站出來反對科技發達?反對電郵的方便呢?:)
Stamps are part of my childhood memories too ^^
癸丑年郵票… …1973年丫,哥d郵票睇怕都儲左好耐喎。
@tofufa, a lot of ppl like to collect stamps when they’re young….. Do you still have them? :)
@Nic, 集郵最煩就係要浸郵票! 不過依家好多有自動黏貼, 要浸甩唔易啊……
@shizugi, 有部份係我, 有部份係我爸啦……
Mine are in HK~
I don’t like those sticker stamps issued by USPS >.<
@tofufa, sticker stamps suck!
I still send people paper Xmas cards every year. :)
@dengelina, I will probably send paper xmas card this year too!