10 條關於 “時光倒流三十年(五十)” 的評論

  1. 我都有我都有呀!!!!

    而家仲放係老家舖緊塵! =p

  2. Do you ever throw away anything?

    This is a very dangerous book … but judging from the condition, I think you are safe.

  3. Most of the home improvement, fix it yourself kind of books are dangerous. As in a little knowledge is dangerous. I bet they have a warning in the preface somewhere.

  4. 我也有一本呀, 不同的是汽車修理, 老爸買來後我就拿來看.
    那個”實用修理全書”的字體, 還真是一模一樣!

  5. @keng, 讀者文摘這系列的書也不少哦…. 我那本也有幾節是關於修車呢! 不過現在看來用處不大啦~
