4 條關於 “紐約生活誌:Subway V” 的評論
我諗你有排等囉! :(
@fresh, 都等左好多年囉﹗
It’s pretty fun to read all ur old blogs…I’m picking the topics to read and NY subway is really hectic to most New Yorkers. Did you get a chance to fill out the 7 train report card few weeks back? I was so excited when I got one of those during a morning commute, couldn’t wait and filled out all the true feelings from my heart to MTA :p some of my friends even wanted to attach a letter with the report card, u could understand how bad we felt about 7 train from all these years….it’s used to be my less favorite train, but I have to commute with it everyday now…well..have to admit that it did some improvements though…
@Darbicat, yes, I filled out the form! I filled it out twice actually, the paper form and online form. hehehe :) I was kind of disappointed when I saw all multiple choice questions. I was going to write them something that I think can improve the subway experience… oh well, may be next time.