投票(四十四) February 11, 2007雄言無忌投票大雄703 人閱覽 大家都很有勇氣呢!上次投票,有九成人都說,就算發現切開的生果有壞,也只會切下壞掉的部分然後繼續吃!大家都不怕會有生病的危險麼? 今次也是自身的經歷,是現在的經歷丫!:( [poll=47]
@hal9209, well, since there’s no DSL service in my area, so everyone is using cable, and when cable is down, that means everyone is down. no use to borrow…. :(
Of course I will “borrow” neighbor’s wi-fi instead!!! There’s so many wi-fi in the air!!
你還真說到了… 我們國內最近面臨很多的 ADSL 上網問題, 不是斷線就是突然切斷… 試多幾次不能我就不理它了!
@hal9209, well, since there’s no DSL service in my area, so everyone is using cable, and when cable is down, that means everyone is down. no use to borrow…. :(
@Confabulation, 你看來沒有太大的上網中毒症哦﹗:)
@keng, ADSL不是走電話線的嗎﹖怎會如此不穩定﹖