I ate some Turkey during the past weekend. Cooking that gigantic bird is very very difficult! It took a whole day to thaw and 3-4 hours to cook!
Happy Turkey Day to you too! :)
這是什麼啊 ! 豉油雞嗎 ??
@冬, 大家咁話啦~
@fresh, 丫, 這個有人寫過了……
@pema, 哈哈, 中國人, 當然食豉油雞啦! :)
IC! 但背後的意義有d諷刺!
@fresh, 係丫, 正如好多人唔慶祝哥倫布日, 因為係哥倫布發現新大陸, 繼而引入大量白人去屠殺印第安人!
I ate some Turkey during the past weekend. Cooking that gigantic bird is very very difficult! It took a whole day to thaw and 3-4 hours to cook!
@ken.yong, wa…… I can’t believe you actually spend the time to cook that bird! :) 你真厲害丫!