一問一答中 October 8, 2006雄言無忌朋友大雄886 人閱覽 一位很久不見的友人問我:「你還有寫你的網站嗎?」 我不假思索就回答:「有丫!每天都寫!」 在這一問一答中,很喜歡自己能不假思索地回答,也很喜歡自己的恆心。
Yes, Amazing ! I still not yet build up my blog . It seems that the effort of keeping is also with difficulty. 創業容易, 守業難. ……….
Yes, Amazing ! I still not yet build up my blog .
It seems that the effort of keeping is also with difficulty.
創業容易, 守業難. ……….