14 條關於 “投票(四)” 的評論

  1. keng: 有很多地方都想去麼? :)

    wittyfox: 哦? 南美祕魯也好像不錯呢! 有什麼好介紹?

    tong: 完全無稔起去北歐耶……

    freshdesigner: 澳洲內陸玩自由行, 安全嗎?

    SWJ: 哎也, 去旅行的話, 兩個星期就很快過啦! :)

    冬: LA好咩?? :) 呵呵~

  2. So far so good la! However, it was long time ago.
    I rememeber there was some Aborigional (may be wrong spelling) 土著 just unfriendly asking me to give them money to buy food. I walked away and ask them to let me alone.
    You have to care about this if you want to go alone. Don’t walk to far away especailly when you find some Aboreginal keep watching you! This situation would only happen mainly in central Australia like Alice Springs etc, other coat-side cities like Melbourne, Gold Coat would be fine.
    Anyway, it was a fantastic trip….walking with kangaroo, feeding the BIG cat fishes in the water, watchig the sunset in 艾雅斯岩…..cool, oh I want to go again! :-(

    P.S. I nearly forget Diving in Carins….oh…..sorry I am nearly out of control !

  3. 大雄, 我的選擇在日本和北京, 不過我還是選了後者… 最想去的(希臘)不在你的 list…

    澳洲各處的旅行都很安全, 包括中部的沙漠地帶, 自由行應是小組的團體不是單獨上路, 所以問題不大.

  4. freshdesigner: 看來澳洲蠻好玩的!:)

    keng: 昨天才和友人談起,希臘其實我也很想去的……:)畢竟看古跡一向是我的興趣呢!

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