

「Doesn't matter啦﹐去食邊間都得﹐你地decide啦﹐Japanese又得﹐Korean又得……」



7 條關於 “不想扮高檔” 的評論

  1. 能夠全中或全英,當然最好;一段中(英)文對話內,有一兩個英(中)文字都算係咁.

  2. 不認為懂得說英文就是高檔。

    以前總是避免在語句中中英夾雜, 中文的, 就說中文, 不帶羊個英文字。可是上了大學, 就變得沒所謂了, 開始覺得, 如果強行保持全中全英, 反而有點怪怪的。例如說「今個學期」就及不上「今個sem」那麼易令人明白。語言其實不過是用來溝通的工具, 最重要的是令聽的人一聽就明白你說些甚麼。說話中夾點外語, 我是接受到的, 不過用中還是用英, 主要考慮於那個詞比較能貼近自己說的意思, 比較能令對方明白而已。

  3. I think it doesn’t matter. It’s common not only in Hong Kong but also in Singapore, Taiwan, … Also, in European countries, people like to talk in different languages at the same time.

    The only exception maybe America. They speak only English and that’s why it’s pure English.

  4. yup, do agree with Ruth here. to me? somehow it’s a way of communication but to some? they may treat it as a tool of pretending. never mind really. shared with you what i was talking just yesterday with clients (香港人).

    Data Mining 其實不是最近先自 develpe 既 knowledge, 不過係 market 度, 可以咁話啦, 呢數年間先至流行, 佢係一個好common亦好強既 tool 係 data analysis 既 area.

    I don’t mind to speak all in English but it’s a bit odd when the clients confronted is local Chinese. And we all understand and allow such way of communication to certain extent. Sure, it isn’t a way of pretending but ease our communication.

    忘記說, 我會同中國/台灣的 trilingual, 睇來,我都要好好檢討檢討下啦 :(

  5. 同意大雄所講,係又用唔係又用英文,真係好 showoff.

