


5 條關於 “車禍” 的評論

  1. the black SUV.

    It is a Tee-intersection, therefore, the SUV is considered coming from “minor street”.

    The Camero is on “major street” which has the right-of-way.

    The Black SUV should come to a complete stop before pulling out into the intersection. Visibility is considered crystal clear (based on your picture), pavement has no water ponding nor pothole, and the parkway is all clear and has no visual obstruction.

    Judging by the damage to the Camero, at the moment of impact, the Camero should be at about 20 MPH (airbag did not deployed, damages up to the front axle only), local residential street speed limit should be about 15 to 25 MPH. Therefore, Camero is within legal speed limit. His steering wheel is pulling slightly to the left, which means when he 1st saw the SUV, he think he could avoid the accident by pulling to the left, which of course, he (or she) missed.

    1. repave the street to provide a smooth road surface.
    2. repaint the Stop pavement legend at the Tee-intersection minor approach.
    3. trim down the trees to provide a better visibility for the “Stop” sign, it appears the SUV missed the sign and forgot to stop.
    4. Put up a “slow” or speed limit sign on the major approach to warn the on-coming traffic.

  2. 嘩, 我都想講大路與小路的問題….

    比警察報告還要詳細, 好嘢!

  3. Since the SUV driver is your neighbor, so I decided to give the picture a more in-depth second look and see how we can help him (or her) to defend the mistakes that he made.

    The black SUV driver can defend the case using the following arguments:-

    The “STOP” sign was not visible and was being blocked by the overly grown tree (City’s fault).

    The “STOP” pavement marking and the white stop limit line was being washed away/not available (not comply with Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)) which is a design standards to be used by all local agencies, including New York Dept. of Transportation. (Also City’s fault)

    Judged by the end position of the Camero with reference to the roadway width, I “suspect” right before the moment of impact, the Camero “may be” driving too far to the left due to the on-street curbside parking to the right (in other words, the Camero crossed the centerline of the street and driving on the wrong side, you can verify this with the police report and witness’ statement). That may be the reason why when the SUV started to make the turn, and found out he has no room at the right to complete the turn, so he needs to stop and cause the accident. Think about it: if the Camero is driving on the right hand side, within legal speed limit, he should have enough room and time to squeeze through the back of the SUV to avoid the accident.

    Regardless, the SUV suppose to come to a complete stop before turning from minor street to major street is the fundamental argument for this case, which the black SUV driver cannot denial.

    Hope these secondary arguments could help your neighbor to explain to the insurance company and see if he could defend his case.

    Disclaimer: All information provided here is solely based on the picture provided at this site, additional information and police report findings may affect the arguments provided here.

    Lesson Learned:
    Drive defensively.
    If the Camero driver think fast enough, he should change his course of path and make a right hand turn into the minor street, then he could avoid the accident. Keep in mind, to avoid an accident, always go after the tail end of the other vehicle because he is always driving away from that spot.
