今次吃了死貓 January 21, 2005雄言無忌大雄674 人閱覽 明明是對方部門的人工作怠慢,根本沒有把文件交給我處理,他們的秘書居然來三催四請問我什麼時候完成,還說得好像是我工作慢…… 算吧,今次吃了死貓,下不違例!
:( I’m glad that has never happened to me. I would have probably told them off hehe. Hey, I just saw this. Is it really that bad over there? The harbor is frozen! *shock*
Sigh~ This is not the first time, There are some serious mis-communication within their dept… :( It’s VERY cold… 3 mins outdoor, and ears start to hurt because of the cold wind. :(
:( I’m glad that has never happened to me. I would have probably told them off hehe.
Hey, I just saw this. Is it really that bad over there? The harbor is frozen! *shock*
Sigh~ This is not the first time, There are some serious mis-communication within their dept… :(
It’s VERY cold… 3 mins outdoor, and ears start to hurt because of the cold wind. :(