世界大富翁投票 January 31, 2008雄言無忌投票大雄956 人閱覽 Monopoly Here and Now World Edition 大富翁正舉行一個名為世界大富翁的選舉,網民可以在二月二十九日前在六十八個預選的城市中投票,首二十個的城市將能夠在世界大富翁佔其中一格。 香港現時入位第六,北京排十三,台北則是外卡中的第一名,大家有空的不妨去投票,不要讓你喜愛的城市落選哦!
you know HK’s position has dropped from 3rd to 15th!!! really need to spread the news out before it gets too bad! Btw I used some of your stuff and articles
台灣, 台北外卡掉到第二啦!!!
you know HK’s position has dropped from 3rd to 15th!!!
really need to spread the news out before it gets too bad!
Btw I used some of your stuff and articles
@過路客, 大家都要加油投票啦!
@Saz, seems like not a lot of ppl care about this… :(
@Foci, 不曉得是不是有人用程式去自動投票呀! :(
請問一下, 外卡是選前二名嗎,還是只有一名??
@PP, 外卡有兩張的……要努力投票哦!