和靜宜在百忙中在香港抽空去看了《Golden Compass》(港譯﹕魔幻羅盤/台譯:黃金羅盤/內地譯:金羅盤)。
長話短說,我覺得Golden Compass的最大致命傷,是龐大的故事內容欠缺了完整的解說,一段段支離破碎的劇情,整合成兩個多小時的電影,結果做成了很多叫人不解的情節。演員方面亦不見得突出,Nicole Kidman表現不俗,Daniel Craig出場合計不足十五分鐘變成大配角,女主角Dakota Blue Richards普普通通……
付款HKD$60,有超班的電腦特技,但卻只有二流劇情,早知就去看I am Legend啦!值$45。
我2套都有看, 其實I Am Legend不比Golden Compass好很多… lol
不過睇在2套口碑都麻麻份上, 唔抱期望入場反而感覺OK~
同意Oscar講 I am legend 講麻麻.
同埋聖誕時節, 睇落雪片(有聖誕feel 啲) 好過睇喪屍橫行啊!
Unless you dig Will Smith, which I do, still I am Legend is just too much of a one man show, Will Smith and only Will Smith all the time. The story is just unbelievable, literally. And once the cute dog died, the story went south. Will Smith, as good looking and a good actor that he is, can’t redeem the mediocre story telling. And the corny ending really does it for me.
這個假期,最好的就是投名狀了! :)
@Oscar, Golden Compass我是抱有少少期望入場的呢, 所以看過後蠻失望。
@sputnik, 其實去看I am Legend是有特別原因的呀! 因為曾在公司門外拍攝過呢! :)
@laichungleung, I’m not really a Will Smith fan, but I still want catch the movie. Since the setting is NY and they shot the movie right outside my office, so just want to check it out…. sigh, there goes my $10!
@fresh, 錯過左投名狀丫! :(